Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Quantitative Data Analysis- SPSS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Quantitative Data Analysis- SPSS - Essay Example Ethnicity has its impacts felt in many aspects. In education, ones ethnic group determines a lot whether the individual will have a future or not. In some ethnic groups, education is relegated to a far position when one rates other things (Zeichner, K., & Schulte, A. 2001 p. 251). Education in such cases is viewed as being not important at all. According to Flores, G et al. (1999), despite its importance as a hinge to all and every aspect in life, it is viewed by some ethnicities as passage which is not a must for one to undergo. In some African societies for example, education is a thing un-heard of and parents don’t consider taking their children to school. According to Skaggs, M. C. (2001), some ethnic communities have the will to have their children in school, however, the aspect of little finances which they get hinder them (p. 41). Skaggs argues that, if all ethnic communities in diverse countries are given equal opportunities to that accorded their peers from other ethnic communities, then the probability that, they will also attain some grades in very high. To him, lack of proper representation in education institutions of middle and higher learning is not because of their liking but because of the situations they find them selves in (p. 48). The marital status of a parent is another aspect which leads to low education levels. The institution of marriage is one of the conducive environments where education can thrive well. To Stephens, J. (1999), minorities in the US and other developed countries suffer a lot since most of their parents are single parents and lack the will to educate their children (p. 31). To Stephens, a single parent faces the problem of educating since he/she is the sole breadwinner and with the cost of education soaring high, the possibility of educating is dim (p. 33). To Su, Z. (1996), the level of one’s education determines what he/she will earn after the completion of education. According to him,

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